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Ronda Benson // 864-984-6561



Sunday School for Youth meets upstairs in the Youth Room from 9:30 to 10:15 AM. Join us for a time of fellowship and discussion about various parts of worship. We will discuss the "So, what?" and "Why?" questions about that day's worship service. So, what does this passage mean for us? So, what does that word/phrase mean? Why do we celebrate certain days in the church year? Why don't we celebrate other days in the church? Sunday morning youth leaders for middle and high school include: Will DeLaney, Bill Childers, Amanda Childers, Julian Pafford, Robert M. Thomason, and Isabelle Stichnoth (PC Intern).


Middle and high school youth will, also, meet on Sunday evenings from 5:45 to 7:00 PM for their "main gathering" of the week. We will eat dinner together, play fun games, and have exciting fellowship events throughout the year. We will also continue our study of God's promises and covenants in Scripture. We will see how the same God who makes these promises throughout Scripture is with us today in the joys and hardships of life. We will use Bible study, group discussion, the arts, and other creative ways to think through the text. Youth leaders for Sunday evenings include: Will DeLaney, Meredith Liner, and Isabelle Stichnoth (PC Intern).

No WOW tonight due to Holy Week.  WOW will return next Wednesday.

For more information on opportunities for youth, contact the church office @ 864-984-6561.

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